Sylvia Priestly-Brown

Since April 2011, I have been using the sample bottle of Neptune's Harvest all natural organic fish fertilizer, that I received from your booth at the ACORN conference, on all my indoor plants.

I have had these indoor plants for many years, and want you to know that this organic fish fertilizer has worked wonders on them. I apply just a few drops to a watering can and water my indoor plants once a week. The results have been remarkable - an ivy plant has leaves that are easily double in size from how they normally grew. The colour of the leaves are a richer, deeper green with more variegation.

Another trailing plant, Scindapsus (also called Silver Vine or Devil's Ivy), that I have had since 2008, is growing double in length than any of its counterparts. I received just one leaf from this plant as a memorial to a late colleague, as did all my co-workers who knew her well. Their plants grow slowly, however mine has required re-potting and the vines are double in length. Seeing is believing: I include photographys that show their unfertilized plants beside my Neptune's Harvest-fertilized plant for comparison.

I also used organic fish fertilizer outdoors on my 10'x20' vegetable garden, as well as my perennial flowers and shrubs. I never thought I would be able to grow a broccoli in my Zone 4 garden that equals the size of commercially-grown broccoli, but I have! My beets, carrots, pole beans and Brussels Sprouts are coming along very well, and I expect to be able to harvest them in the coming weeks. My snap peas, snow peas, yellow bush beans, gourmet lettuce, radishes, green onions, and pickling cucumbers have all been producing plenty of food, and this is despite a late planting and a very rainy summer. As this is my first vegetable garden in this Zone, I am delighted with the results.

I would highly recommend this product to gardeners who wish to avoid chemical fertilizers and help maintain the biological life of their garden soil. I plan to enlarge my vegetable garden in 2012 and grow even more food, with the help of Neptune's Harvest. Thank you for distributing this useful, environmentally safe product in Atlantic Canada.

Yours truly,
Sylvia Priestley-Brown